
I live in the beautiful and inspiring
East London.

My name is Magdalena but friends call me Maggzie.

Things that I love doing :

- Deeply analysing problems
- Generating plenty new ideas to solve existing problems
- Branding and product strategy
- User interviews and analysing data
- Setting up KPI’s and testing them
- Prototyping and testing
- Listening to feedback and improving
- Building websites in webflow

My inspirations:

Street Art

What’s next for me?

I would love to learn more about Data

My story

At the start of 2020 I discovered UX design and I realised immediately that it was what I had been searching for all the time. I am a mathematician by training, but have always been interested in design. After graduating, the financial industry didn’t feel like the right place for me yet. Having an explorer's spirit, I decided to travel the world instead, while working on private yachts.

I gained some really interesting and rare customer experience in the world of yachting. Having to live with crew mates in cramped spaces and demanding wealthy clients, for extended periods, taught me many things about which emotions drive people, human nature and myself. Those skills later became very useful when I was the manager of a small business, a vintage store, on Brick Lane. There I learnt what is required to operate a successful business, how to translate concepts, ideas and marketing strategies into practice, about branding and advertising and perhaps most important: how to deal with clients and co-workers. I had to quickly understand the potential pitfalls, financial control and long-term planning.

Yet, there was still something missing.

I was dreaming of using my creativity and analytical thinking for something really big and impactful. And there it was. User Experience and Product Design combines everything I was ever interested in: Art, Business, Psychology and Data.

I started reading anything I could find about UX and in April 2020 I finally started a course with the phenomenal Experience Haus. The imminent lockdown brought with it the blessing of time and I took this opportunity to fully devote myself to my new passion. You’re now looking at the fruits of this labour.

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Check it out on a tablet or a desktop!