Time: 1 week
My role: Research, Product concept, Personas, Architecture, Wireframes, UI, Prototyping

Eat better. Save money. Reduce food waste

Design challenge

An accompaniment app for a smart fridge that helps in reducing food waste.

Tech feasibility is not an issue. The only limitation is the one-week deadline.


That the fridge is able to scan and measure every product that is inside it, thanks to in-built cameras and shelf scales.

This includes knowing information such as:
• What products are stored
• Exact measures in grams
• When the product is due to expire
• Who use which product, due to face recognition



- 1 x Survey
- 9 x User interviews
- 1 x Competitor analysis

Key lines of enquiry

- How do people shop?
- How do people plan their meals?
- When do people skip their meals?
- Why do people throw out food?
- How people organise the time for meals?
- How food can be saved?

Key findings

Key finding #1

1. People who end up throwing out food are often single people and those who don't like to cook. They feel inspired in the store when they see the food and feel good about the idea of having a meal, but later they tend to forget about it



Opportunity for design

for design #1

1. Inspire people to cook and use their food even if they don’t have an idea for it or are not in the mood

Key finding #2

2. People don’t know how much they are using, so they over purchase and end up with too much food in the fridge


Plan shopping

for design #2

2. Help people plan and purchase their food more accurately

Key finding #3

3. People often buy with the intention of cooking, but then end up doing something else because their plans have changed


Time for cooking

for design #3

3. Make sure that people put aside enough time to cook, eat and enjoy the food they buy

Key finding #4

4. People end up with odds, ends and leftovers in their fridge or freezer that they don’t know what to do with


Use leftovers

for design #4

4. Help people find something to do with their leftovers


Inspire people to cook and use their food
even if they don’t have an idea for it or are not in the mood


Cheerful & Relaxed

I wanted to show that cooking is a fun and soul nourishing thing, that brings comfort.



As the main colours I used slightly off white and black. The accompanying colour is orange, and I used a few versions of it where possible to create a sense of warmth. As a contrast, I would use blue of a classic Smeg retro fridge.

Buttons and Iconography

Friendly & Simple

They could have been quickly drawn like a kid’s picture you put on the fridge.


Fun & Relatable

Permanent Marker is very casual and makes me think of writing shopping lists. Helvetica is referring to Smeg’s logo.

Example layout

The home screen has 4 most used functions on the top, things to discover on the bottom and an encouraging statement.

Plan shopping

Help people plan and purchase
their food more accurately

Idea 1

From recipes to meal plan

To inspire people to cook the app has plenty of recipes to choose from. Users are able to browse and choose recipes by 4 categories. Then the app will create a meal plan based on what they like

User browse recipes by famous chefs

User choose a chef from the list

User select recipe to find out more

User add recipe to favourite

Idea 2

Accurate shopping

Help reducing waste by amending shopping list if people are over buying

User gets a notification

The app offers choice of actions

Idea 3

Connecting with on line food providers

Making shopping easier by making it automatic

User can manage how often and when
they choose the deliveries

Time for cooking

Make sure that people put aside enough time to cook,
eat and enjoy the food they buy

Idea 1

Set the time

Start planning meals by
setting a time for them

User choose times for meals

User can see details about every meal

Idea 2


Organise daily tasks with help of reminders of coming up meals

User gets notification about next meal

Idea 3

Integrate meals with other plans

Connect with calendar and app will assess the time for meals based on provided preferences

Users can use app calendar or link with one that they use

Idea 4

React to changes

App reacts to changing plans in the calendar and lets the user choose the action or does adjustments on its own

User gets a notification

The app offers choice of action

Use leftovers

Help people find something to do with food they didn't eat

Idea 1

Donating food

Connect with apps that help to donate food

User can learn about the apps

Idea 2

Help using frozen food

Look for opportunities in the calendar to use frozen meals

User is warned ahead of time and can take action

Idea 3

Using odd ingredients

Suggest recipes that include ingredients that are about to go off, if not used they can be donated

User can better manage
food that they have

Final design

Here's a taste of what this app could look like

Concept prototype, enter full screen to see the details



- 7 x usability tests

Key lines of enquiry

- Is app easy to use?
- What functions did you like?
- What other functions would you add?
- Would you use this app?


Users were interested in the app and potential benefits beyond just reducing food waste. Ideas that could be developed are budgeting and counting calories. Users expressed that they want to be able to manage what notifications they are receiving and to be able to add their own recipes. What still needs to be resolved is how the  app is maintaining the ingredients that are not kept in the fridge but have to be used in the recipes.